Maggie Wang  |  Holistic Wellness Coach

Portrait of Maggie Wang looking up and smiling.

Just Be

November 2019, standing on the top of Pisac and overlooking the Sacred Valley of the Incas in front of me. Suddenly, I realized that the entire universe is just an expression and projection of Being of the Self - you can experience infinite space within this small body; you can create possibilities within this infinite space. Being yourself is the most important thing you can do in this lifetime, and I am here to empower you to create a life that aligns with your values and power - you can just be you.

Why Holistic Wellness Coaching?

Being the authentic self is the pathway to discover your true happiness. It is within your power to create and embrace that version of yourself.  How?  Start with one of the cards below that resonates with your current life journey to learn more.


What people say about working with me

Maggie's positive, calm, non-judgmental, and compassionate approach to any topics I brought to the conversation made me feel at home. Her ability to get to the core of the issues, peeling back layer after layer like an onion blows my mind. If you think something is holding you back in life or if you want to discover and unlock your potential, talk to Maggie.
— Andrés V.  Los Angeles, USA (洛杉磯, 美國) —

當我遇到人生瓶頸或抉擇迷惘時,和 Maggie 探討人生,是一件喜悅的事!她的指引過程讓人覺得平靜舒服且有組織性。她專注的傾聽不單只於外在的“雜音”,而是聆聽我內心的“聲音”。這對我探索與了解自己的過程中是一大幫助:體會到當我越懂得自己時,我對人生越有把握,尤其是在需做決定的關鍵時刻。這只是我跨出的第一步,期待與 Maggie 一同開拓更多的人生體驗與發現!
— 永慈 . 溫哥華, 加拿大  (Vancouver, Canada) —

I came to Vancouver to create a life I desired. There have been many ups and downs along the way; sometimes, I feel blind and confused about things that matter in my life. Maggie has helped me to clarify the vision and to co-create a distinct path on this journey. Her exquisite listening and insightful questions have guided me to be in touch with my subconscious mind. This process helps me build up my confidence, and I know it's just the beginning. I am grateful to have Maggie as a coach.
— Rachel G.  Vancouver, Canada  (溫哥華, 加拿大) —

與 Maggie 的對話,讓我進入到一個很放鬆與安心的旅程。Maggie 的靜心傾聽與深入洞悉讓我在這空間裡感受到自己與自己內心的交流。在我們每一次的談話裡,一點一滴的找回了遺失的自己。這旅程中讓我認識了真實的自己,『了解自己』是開創人生旅途上的首要課題。很感謝有這機會與 Maggie 一同發現自己,創造未來!
— 迷猴 . 上海, 中國  (Shanghai, China) —

In all honesty, wellness coaching isn't something I would have actively looked for, but I was really struggling with things which would normally not be an issue. Maggie's gentle and interactive style of coaching provided a clarity into my life's big picture to realize things were really out of balance, and that's where my apprehension was coming from. She helped me to bring back my confidence and feel like myself again. Thanks Maggie.
— Mimi K. Vancouver, Canada  (溫哥華, 加拿大) —

在 Maggie 專業的 life coaching 引導下,我開始梳理什麼元素是構成我生命完整的基石,不曾思考的我,透過與 Maggie 的對話,開始理清什麼才是推動我自在生活,自信快樂的要素。這讓我清楚了解,人生是“全方位”的:在追求目標時,不同的人生基石也是有比重之分的,這領悟幫助我從迷失在追尋夢想的道路上走出一條屬於自己的路。每次與 Maggie 的交流都很療癒,對我而言,是一種自我成長的喜悅! 一年後,在某次工作會議裡,意外聽到簡報者分享 life wheel (生命元素),讓我想起與 Maggie 一起創造屬於我自己生命動力的元素,因那張藍圖,才有今天坐在這個會議室中的我。內心激動雀躍的說著:我很慶幸,有機會認識自己!
— 家寓 . 台北, 台灣 (Taipei, Taiwan) —

Are you ready?

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